The roots of Southern States Fishin’ & Huntn’ Magazine go all the way back to 1965. It emerged during a time when the South was transitioning from an agrarian society to a more modern one, but the love for outdoor pursuits remained deeply ingrained in the region’s identity. The magazine was founded by Roger & Dorothy Harbster, passionate hunters and anglers who aimed to provide a platform for sharing their experiences, knowledge, and stories. Our magazine remains family owned and operated to this day.
As the magazine gained momentum, its readership began to expand. It wasn’t long before it became a staple for outdoor enthusiasts across the South. Our publication focuses on a wide range of topics, including hunting and fishing news, business spotlights, conservation efforts, and even personal narratives from readers who shared their memorable experiences in the wild.
Southern States Fishin’ & Huntn’ Magazine doesn’t just chronicle hunting and fishing; it celebrates the unique cultural aspects tied to these activities in the South. It features articles about traditional Southern recipes, the camaraderie shared around a campfire, and the importance of passing down outdoor skills from one generation to the next. This rich tapestry of stories reinforces the magazine’s connection to the heritage of the South.
In the 21st century, the magazine faced the challenge of adapting to a rapidly evolving media landscape. With the rise of digital platforms, it expanded its presence to include social media channels and a online publication, reaching a broader and more diverse audience. Online forums and communities for hunting and fishing enthusiasts flourished, and the magazine played a vital role in nurturing these connections.
As we look to the future, Southern States Fishin’ & Huntn’ Magazine continues to serve as a beacon for those who cherish the Southern way of life. While the methods of sharing content may change, the essence of the magazine remains the same: a dedication to honoring the region’s rich hunting and fishing traditions, fostering a sense of community, and promoting conservation efforts to preserve the South’s natural beauty. It has brought together generations of outdoor enthusiasts, celebrated the unique cultural elements of the South, and adapted to the demands of the modern world while staying true to its roots.