Conservation of Florida Fishing Waters
Written By: Captain Martin Goldys
Reel Harmony Fishing Charters
With over 4 million Floridian Anglers hitting the water each year, it is No Surprise the Saltwater Recreational Fishing industry produces approximately 9.2 Billion dollars in state revenue annually.
This is a HUGE Economic impact in the state we call 'Home'. This growing Florida Saltwater Fishing industry provides over 88,501 jobs and employment opportunities each year. Of these 88,501 jobs, Florida's Commercial Fisheries generate approximately $4.6 Billion in income annually.
There is no wonder why our surrounding waters seem so congested and overcrowded on any given day of the year. As anglers and environmental enthusiasts, we all need to come together to ensure we preserve our precious waterways and resources This action starts on a micro level in your surrounding community waters (i.e. Oceans, bays, creeks, estuaries, saltwater lakes, runoff ponds, drainage ditches, etc.)
Advocating for cleaner water Management and statutes that provide clean water protection are actions we can all take whether a Recreational Angler or a commercial Fisherman.
It will benefit the entire Saltwater Fishing Industry and community to invest in our local waters and resources they provide. The goal being to sustain what we have available and resources in place today so our children get to share these Amazing coastal environments with their families.
We often hear of the term 'Conservation' being associated with fishing in Florida. What does it mean to conserve when you are a Florida Fisherman?
First, be Educated on the issues and problems that plague waters today. Second, Advocate for what needs to happen now to preserve our water ways for generations to come.
A Floridian Angler practicing conservation can appear in many different ways. Listed below are a few simple ways to involve yourself in the fight to help manage our waterways.
* Collect and Pick-Up trash 'In & Around' your local water ways (Arriving to the boat ramp or leaving the beach for the day, always be sure to have your grippers/gloves and a trash receptacle accessible)
* Correct those who you catch littering/polluting in the Act as these behaviors will continue if not 'Called Out'.
* Refrain from using harmful herbicides and Pesticides on your property as there is a direct Negative correlation with 'Runoff from these chemicals
* Join an Environmental Agency/Organization that helps to Sustain our Florida waterways (i.e. CCA Florida Chapter, Captains For Clean Water, Lagoon Watermen Alliance, Surf Rider Foundation, etc.)
* Contribute funds to Environmental Agencies/Organizations in an effort to fight the cause (i.e. CCA Florida Chapter, Captains For Clean Water, Lagoon Watermen Alliance, FWC, Surf Rider Foundation, etc.)
* Partake or lead the efforts in organizing Routine Beach/Boat Ramp/Park 'Clean-ups'
* Practice Sustainable Fishing when on the water (i.e. Eliminate 'Bycatch', safe Catch and Release' of ALL species, Ban overfishing of Endangered species, use 'Lead-Free' fishing gear, reduce fossil fuel use, follow "MSC certification guidelines' (per Marine Stewardship Council), Become 'Green Business Certified', & adhere to the "Good Fish Guide" (per Marine Conservation Society)).
By following these simple steps listed above, YOU can help sustain our Florida water ways for years to come. Please help do your part in further protecting our Amazing Florida estuaries.
