FWC announces winner of the School Fishing Club Conservation Project Competition
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) School Fishing Club Program congratulates the Chambers High School fishing team as the Grand Prize winners of FWC's School Fishing Conservation Project Competition. The students completed six conservation projects, including cleaning up and building monofilament recycling bins for their local waterbodies.
All student anglers participating in the FWC's 2022-23 School Fishing Club Program were required to complete at least one conservation project to qualify for funding associated with the program.
Prizes from our partners were offered for the conservation project winners as incentives for student anglers to complete multiple conservation initiatives throughout the year. FWC's Conservation Project Competition awarded points per club participation in a variety of conservation-minded activities aimed at reducing the impacts of plastic pollution.
"Congratulations to these young anglers for their dedication to conservation," said Tom Graef, FWC's Director for the Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management.
They are making a difference by leading the way for the next generation of anglers with these creative conservation proiects."
Chambers High School won the Grand Prize, a private in-person custom rod building class with Mud Hole Custom Tackle. Punta Gorda Middle School won the Second Place Prize, and A. Crawford Mosley High School won the Third Place Prize.
Additional prizing for second and third place was provided by Toadfish and Pure Fishing.
"Supporting youth education is so important to our mission at Mud Hole Custom Tackle," said Anthony Youmans, Mud Hole's Education Program Director. "We're honored to contribute the Grand Prize in this year's competition and are always supportive of FWC's efforts to lead conservation projects here in Florida, our home state."