The Halifax Sport Fishing Club will offer a clinic March 21st to teach the public and club members techniques needed to be successful at fishing and catching bait. Several of the experienced members from the club and past speakers will have tables set up to teach rules, regulations, safety, conservation, knots, baits rigging, cast netting, reel maintenance, kayak set up/fishing, and more.
On April 18 straight out of Jacksonville we will have the one,
the only, The Sinker Guy! Chip Brundage will be here to talk about the basics of surf fishing and share some of his knowledge and wisdom of the elite fishermen in our area! You ever wonder why the guy next to you is catching all the fish and you get none even though you both are using the same bait? Come to the seminar and find out why!
A brief business meeting will be at 7:00 PM and the clinic will begin at 7:30 PM at 3431 S. Ridgewood Avenue, Port Orange. All seminars are free and open to the public.
For more information on go to the H.S.F.C. web site, Facebook or contact Dustin Smith, Programs Director at (386) 527-2144 or online at programs@hsfc.com.